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Juvenile Offenses
When Veterans are charged with a crime
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1-855-DEBT DONE (1-855-332-8366)
Power of Attorney
Meet Our Supportive Legal Staff
We Are The Only Law Firm In Bucks County
That Offers Therapy Assist Dogs
For Our Clients & Their Children
"Meet the Pawyers"

PROUDLY EMPLOYING “PAWYERS” SINCE 2000. WE CARE LEGAL SERVICES (1-855-LAW-FAMILY) Available 24/7 for Divorce, Child Custody, Support, Protection From Abuse, and Adoption Assistance.
We Care Legal Services PLLC is the only firm in our area to offer service dogs to comfort our clients during consultations. Five years ago, when our beloved pit bull therapy dog, “Lizzie,” passed, my wife and law partner, Mary Ann, and I, traveled down to the SPCA in Philly to find a rescue pit bull we could train to try to begin to take Lizzie’s place.
At the shelter, there were scores of metal cubicles filled with desperate, eager little beasties, lined up down many seemingly endless, identical rows, their soft noses against the hard wire doors. The Philly shelter does its best to find forever homes, but Mary Ann and I realized that many of the dogs seeking our attention, would, one way or the other, not be around very much longer...

Buddy, Esq Clawyer As part of our firm’s branching out, we are pleased to announce the addition of Buddy, Esq., our newest “clawyer.” He just passed the Pennsylvania Cage Bar Exam. He works from our Levittown office to comfort our clients and their children who are going through the stress of marital separation and child custody issues. Buddy doesn’t just parrot advice from others. He supports our clients when they are perched on the edge of a Bucks County divorce. Unlike other “clawyers,” Buddy doesn’t wing it. He’s not flighty. No matter how seedy the marital situation or how nutty your spouse. Buddy will soothe your ruffled feathers. Buddy gives great comfort to our family law clients and their kids, though he does talk too much during interviews and laughs out loud at the strangest moments. Buddy, Esq joins with our other support “pawyers,” Sugar, Esq.” and “Scruffy, Esq.,” to provide loving assistance to our clients, when the stress of family litigation becomes a little overwhelming.
Please welcome our newest "pawyer," She has completed her legal support training and is now available for daily consultations in our Levittown office. "Crusher" is aptly named because she snuggles on client's laps and crushes them. When she's not giving absolute affection, she periodically gets the zoomies, running from office to office, until she finds another lap to settle in. As she listens to your legal problems, her eyes will slowly close, and her oversized tongue will stick out and stay out until she wakes or hears the word "treat." Crusher is also very smart. Her odd combination of doggy traits made us curious about her genetic background (shown next to her typical pose.

Why Bucks County, Montgomery County, Philadelphia and South Jersey turns to We Care Legal Services PLLC For Help
People just like you turn to the experienced attorneys at We Care Legal Services PLLC for their: Family Law, Criminal Law & Financial Law needs in Southeast Pennsylvania.
Our staff of experienced attorneys work quickly to resolve your legal issues and get your life back on track.
We provide a caring and supportive experience to help you through the difficult times in your life.
You'll never be alone with We Care Legal on your side, with same day, weekend and evening appointments, you can get the legal help you need without disrupting your daily life.
Pick up the phone and call:
1-855-LAW CRIMINAL (1-855-529-2746)
1-855-LAW FAMILY (1-855-529-3264)
1-855-DEBT DONE (1-855-332-8366)
Free consultations – Walk-ins are welcome – Evening and weekend appointments are available
Call now and sleep better tonight knowing your legal needs are being taken care of by caring, professional, experienced attorneys.